sidcul Industries

B. M. L. Electronics Haridwar

B. M. L. Electronics is located in Plot No. 31, Sector 8A, Integrated Industrial Estate (IIE), BHEL Haridwar. This manufacturing unit deals in Electronics, Telcom Products. It has its corporate office is in Meerut, Uttar Pradesh. You can contact below phone number for any query or information. Contact person is Mr. Sanjeev Garg.

Company Product:Electronics, Telcom Products

Plot No. 31, Sector 8A,
Integrated Industrial Estate(IIE), BHEL
Haridwar-249403 Uttarakhand

Telephone/Phone Number:0121-2519159, 9837072612

E-Mail:[email protected]


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  1. ruddri sharma
    ruddri sharma
    11th June 2015

    Sir, I am doing and completed 6 sem now i have to do training, so i want to be trained in your company. Give me the necessary advice.

  2. Satya Parkash
    Satya Parkash
    13th August 2014

    Dear sir, i have completed & Polotechnic in electronics and communication engg. and i want a job if you have any requirement then please contact on 8410668607 or mail to [email protected]