sidcul Industries

Arvind Engineers Ranipur Haridwar

Arvind Engineers is located in Plot No. 82, Sector 5, Integrated Industrial Estate (IIE), BHEL Haridwar. This manufacturing unit deals in Sheet Metal components. It has its corporate office is in Faridabad, Haryana. You can contact below phone number for any query or information. Contact person is Mr. Sanjeev Gupta.

Company Product: Sheet Metal components

Plot No. 82, Sector 5,
Integrated Industrial Estate(IIE), BHEL
Haridwar-249403 Uttarakhand

Telephone/Phone Number:
Tel: +91 129 4001978, 2290244
Fax: +91 129 4077978

E-Mail:[email protected]

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  1. Sanjay kumar
    Sanjay kumar
    8th September 2014 reply

    Dear sir my name is sanjay kumar and I am ITI holder trade electrician, sir i can do join your company job ?

  2. firoj saifi
    firoj saifi
    6th September 2014 reply

    my self is firoj saifi .I am polytechnic appearing mechanical ( production) 2 month experience ring gear Ltd company bhiwani
    so sir any job plz cont me
    thank you sir. mob nob 09536001012
    gmail id [email protected]

  3. Jeetendra rawat
    Jeetendra rawat
    27th July 2014 reply

    Dear sir i am turner 3year experience, please call me 9690774675.

  4. sandeep
    5th June 2014 reply

    Dear sir, I am I.T.I. (Trade-Electrician) passed from ROORKEE I.T.I., BHAGWANPUR. ROORKEE.

    Let me know for job.

  5. vikas aggarwal
    vikas aggarwal
    12th August 2012 reply

    deals in h.r,c.r,& g.p sheets.9811184368.

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