sidcul Industries

Wheezal (Homoeo) Pharma Selaqui Pharma City Dehradun

Wheezal (Homoeo) Pharma is situated in Selaqui Pharma City Dehradun in Sector 1 and deals in Homeopathic and Biochemical Medicines, Combination, Mother tincture & Dilutions. It has corporate office in Dehradun only at Rajpur Road. Dr. H. K. Gupta established “Wheezal Laboratory” and Contact person is Smt. Simi Gupta. You can contact for any query at below phone numbers.

Company Product: Homoeopathic and Biochemic Medicines, Combination, Mother tinture
& Dilutions.

Sector 1, Plot Number 7,
Selaqui Industrial Area Pharma City
Dehradun-248197, Uttarakhand


E-Mail:[email protected]

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  1. Parveen Khattri
    Parveen Khattri
    14th November 2016 reply

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  2. B.N. Rabari
    B.N. Rabari
    7th April 2014 reply

    I m very particular to your product Arnica hair treatment

  3. Dr.v.narayanan.RMP
    22nd October 2012 reply

    i am good old traditional medical practioner need your product catlogue.I am very particular about your jaborandi

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