sidcul Industries

Balaji Enterprises Pantnagar Rudrapur

Balaji Enterprises is located in Sector IIDC, Plot Number 31, Integrated Industrial Estate (IIE) Pantnagar Rudrapur. This Pantnagar Manufacturing Unit deals in Plastic packaging material, plastic home appliances and disposable plastic goods. There corporate office is in Ananad Niketan, Delhi. You can contact at below number for any information and query. Contact person is Mr. Rajeev Gupta.

Company Product:Plastic packaging material, plastic home appliances and disposable plastic goods

Sector IIDC, Plot Number 31,
Integrated Industrial Estate (IIE), Pantnagar
Rudrapur, Udham Singh Nagar
Uttarakhand : 263153

Telephone/Phone Number:9760480088, 011-24677594, 9871343728



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  1. Jyoti joshi
    Jyoti joshi
    31st July 2013 reply

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  2. sharafat khan
    sharafat khan
    9th July 2013 reply

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