sidcul Industries

Shiva Enterprises Pantnagar Rudrapur

Shiva Enterprises is located in Sector 7, Plot Number 50, Integrated Industrial Estate (IIE) Pantnagar Rudrapur. This Pantnagar Manufacturing Unit deals in Steel Fabrication, Surface Treatment and Spray and Solar Power System. There corporate office is in Sarita Vihar Delhi. You can contact at below number for any information and query. Contact person is Mr. Prem Sharma.

Company Product: Steel Fabrication, Surface Treatment and Spray and Solar Power System

Sector 7, Plot Number 50,
Integrated Industrial Estate (IIE), Pantnagar
Rudrapur, Udham Singh Nagar
Uttarakhand : 263153

Telephone/Phone Number:+(91)-(11)-26951079, 011-26951079, 9810343596

E-Mail:[email protected]


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1 Comment

  1. Birbhadra Singh Aswal
    Birbhadra Singh Aswal
    6th October 2012

    best atmosphare of the industry